Design Process of Replacing an EPSS in Health Care | S. Awabdeh

Camille Thompson
Jul 25, 2017 12:07:01 PM

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The Consulting Specifying Engineer (CSE) Article Looks at Avoiding Loss of Electrical Power During EPSS Replacement

PBA vice president, Sam Awabdeh, PE is no stranger to emergency power design. Sam has over 25 years' of electrical engineering design experience and has spent over 15 of those years focusing on providing electrical engineering design solutions for major healthcare facilities in and around the State of Michigan.

The July issue of CSE magazine features an article Awabdeh authored on the challenge of replacing an older emergency power supply system (EPSS) at a major health care facility. Often the biggest difficulty hinges on the design and construction teams ability to replace the system, with little to no disruption to the hospital's operations. He also discusses the relevance of where the new generators are located and the critical need of maintaining an N+1 system to provide a safe cushion of power in case of a sudden shut down. 

To read the CSE EPSS article go to:

For more information on PBA's emergency electrical engineering design service for health care facilities, please contact Sam Awabdeh directly at: or go to our website at:

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